Welcome to my Website

This Website will hopefully expand your imagination and ideas! To learn more you can press the learn more button down below or the about button.
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About This Website


Have you ever been given an assignment or job that you need to create an idea? But you are stuck and don't know what to do. That is the purpose of this website to help brainstorm and create ideas.


The motivation of this website is to help others and myself even. It could be just to help you create a hobby or a professional slide.

How it came to be

This idea for an ideas website sprouted when i was trying to find an idea for a genius hour project but couldn't think or find anything.

School Project Ideas

Ever have trouble wanting to makea school project that isn't boring here are some ideas...

Hobby Ideas

If you are looking for a hobby that is a little more physical and don't mind sweating blacksmithing is a great idea.
Spending hours creating and bending a metal to the shape or form to what ever you desire.

If you are looking for a relaxing outdoors hobby where you can just sit and relax fishing is a great idea. You can even do it during the winter so it is a year round thing!

Martial Arts
Not only does this hobby teach you self defense and can be handy but it can be a fun physical hobby to do.

Video Games
Video Games are a great way just to spend time or lose all track of it. This doesn't tend to be one of the most productive hobbies though.